Interagency Recovery Coordination Case Studies

FEMA develops Interagency Recovery Coordination Case Studies to share stories of recovery solutions and best practices. The case studies highlight challenging scenarios faced during recovery efforts and detail how emergency managers overcame those challenges.

Examine the cross-agency partnerships, projects, and innovative financial management strategies employed in Colorado to rebuild and restore the natural flood mitigation benefits of regional watersheds after the devastating flood in 2013.

Illinois 2012 Tornadoes

Learning Objective: Examine how the State of Illinois was able to re-prioritize existing funding and resources to meet the recovery needs of communities following a string of severe tornadoes in 2012 that did not meet Presidential disaster dec

Examine a regional approach used to improve infrastructure resilience following a major hurricane and analyze its impacts on regional recovery and FEMA’s steady-state interagency coordination practices. 
Share the steps taken and lessons learned by a rural community in central Alaska to integrate resilience into rebuilding efforts and be better prepared for future flood events.
Discuss the benefits of a non-traditional recovery project in a rural, remote location and analyze how this community-building project contributed to overall resilience for the Galena community.
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